About Me

My photo
Littleton, Colorado, United States
I'm a crafty person and enjoy knitting and sewing. I've taught myself most of what I know. I've started sewing and actually crocheting at a young age with my granny. From there I've expanded to knitting and making Stick Owlies! I love to promote other artists and post random animal facts



Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Items

As I've been so very busy with my full time job I haven't had a chance to take pictures and post new owlie items. I promise I will get that done ASAP. I also take custom orders for Stick Owlie if you'd like a one of a kind made just for you. I always like to have my items ready to be shipped rather than having someone waiting. Is it logical to repost sold items and put something like made to order??

New items will include:
Stick Owlies - another little girl, a pirate and funeral owlie
Fabric Owlets - owlet family, owlet nesting, owlet house and of course a funeral owlet.


  1. What I do is post "ready to ship" on stuff I have already knitted, but relist other things marked "Knitted to order". I actually prefer to sell "knitted to order" because then I know I am knitting something that is wanted. Other times, I might get something reknitted but nobody wants it straight away.

  2. Thank you Nifty!!! That's a great idea. Do you place your ready to order in the title or description?


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